Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Through this blog I'll like to share some of my thoughts on the relation between feedback, complexity, emergence, robustness, learning, life, and philosophy. Infused around it are thoughts, discussions, and descriptions of the world of my books.

an engineer, I'll take an technical approach to describing, modeling and talking about these subjects. The usual disclaimers apply, both to the relation of this blog with my employment and to the usability, offensiveness and possible private nature of some of the posts.

"Never attribute to malice, what can be attributed to stupidity"

Please tell me when you don't like something I wrote, it's probably due to my naivity or ignorance. I've added some buttons for you to provide me quick feedback.


M2C said...

Is there a way to subscribe to your blog? RSS? I only saw a subscription link for comments, not for the articles.

Ludo Stellingwerff said...

Thanks for following!

As with all blogger.com blogs, the following feed should give you a feed for the articles:


I also plan to post a notice through my Twitter account for every new article.