Monday, January 7, 2019

Role models (Statement on Homophobia)

In the Netherlands, there is currently a heavy discussion, regarding a translated version of the Nashville Manifesto, which among other statements, uses (Orthodox) Christian arguments against homosexuality and other non-traditional relationships. As a writer of fiction, especially Science Fiction, I have the freedom to create my own future society. That society is not a utopia as that wouldn't be an interesting environment for any stories or books. But I made a conscious choice to make my books' society fully inclusive regarding sexuality, the way I hope our society will become.

Love is all-inclusive. Deep, real, human relationships can also be found between two people of the same gender. In Jenny's Dream this is made implicitly clear regarding Patrick. In my next book, this will be made explicitly clear, in the relationship between the main characters.

My books are not meant to be an explicit statement, no manifesto. But my sense of good and evil, my morals are at the base of the stories and their characters. Jenny, Jack, Tabby, Ross, Neal, and Monkey Wrench, they all can be some form of role model for myself, for my daughters, for any reader. And in their lives, there is no place for homophobia, it isn't part of their society. And that's how it should be.

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